
Current and competed motorcycle restorations.

We are proud to be a new distributor for Edlund Frames, a fourth-generation Swedish blacksmith studio that’s dedicated to making vintage Harley frames they way they are meant to be.

We have been using these frames for over 25 years without issue, and are proud to be embarking on this new endeavor with them. Frames for knuckleheads, panheads, and shovels are available. Custom frames can also be fabricated to your exact specifications.

Call or email us for pricing.

This is a period bobber that we’re building for Rob, classic of the bobbers of the 50’s and 60’s. Real engine, transmission, and lots of genuine Harley parts to his specifications. This is the year he was born, so it’s special project for him.

This is to be a 1955 bobber, as if someone built it in 61 or 62.

And after the engine build: