
All posts by Highway Classics

A customer tore this bike down 15 years ago by a customer of ours, who had us rebuild the engine, tranmission, and quite a few components.

But after that the project stalled for a decade and a half.

Through a twist of fate, the bike is now back in our hands where we’ve pulled it out of mothball and are now setting off to restore the motorcycle.

It’s time this bike was back together and out there being enojoyed.

More updates to come.

Randy’s 4.5” stroke, 84ci Pannhead – note the early S&S flywheels
Check ball seat and pressure seat re-ground. New springs and check ball spring set @ 1.25lbs
New cam and pinion bushings installed and line reamed
Inner cam bushing being line reamed
Outer pinion bushing reaming process
Internal case painting helps to keep oil clean and prevents leaks through porous aluminum cases. Notice the bean-pot floatbowl in the background. It gives you more fuel, but they are very rare.
Degreeing the breather window for extra stroke
Notice above the cam the square breather hole to increase the internal breathing of the engine for the new stroke.
Final fitting of all cam chest gears for final pitch diameter
Randy’s stroker Panhead on the runstand sporting its new high-heat black coating with chrome details.

Didn’t have time to start it up this week, ran outta time – but hoping to get it started early next week and film a video of the process.

Here’s a gallery of images (and captions) showing some of the build process.

And here’s a video of the initial startup. The ‘runstand’ that it’s sitting on is actually a product of ours that we’ve been refining to eventually manufacture and offer to the public. We can run engines on them from the 30’s – 90’s.